
This is a Testing Annocement. I don't have Much to Say. This is a Place for a Short Product Annocement

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Equality of Life

“Equality still exists even if it’s nowhere to see. In God’s eyes, we all fall in queue.”

Who would say we are not equal? Speaking about life we are just the same. Nobody stands higher, nobody. Today, I want you to argue with me, let’s have some spicy conversation about it.

It is true that in a huge sphere, a portion of it belongs to wealthy ones, with enough luxuries in life; a much visible and bigger part of it belongs to the counts of poor families… now, can I still insist life is made equal for rich and poor?

Does it mean equal for the one dump a garbage bag with left overs than a scavenger delighted for the full garbage bins along the street?

Does it mean equal for a child with stomach full than a street one who is starving?

Or does it mean equal for the people who fest than those who grieve?

A government enjoys the abundance and its people struggle amidst scarcity, where is the angle of equality? Yet the equality of life does exist… We are equal before abundance and scarcity. We are equal before laughter and mourning. God is just… He loves fairness… In His eyes, we stand on the same ground.

I have a proof in my head, but I dare you to present yours…

Image Credit: renjith krishnan /

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