
This is a Testing Annocement. I don't have Much to Say. This is a Place for a Short Product Annocement

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Custom Post URL Using Permalink by Blogger to Improve SEO

This post has
  • a. discussion/explanation, and
  • b. screen shots at the bottom.
Remember when blogger team updated the blogger platform, they made available for all users the upgraded blogger interface, a more friendly dashboard for blogging. Who can forget the new threaded comment? Or the search preferences options? Well, I guess those are highlights. Today, we got an important addition - it's the option for users or bloggers to create a custom post URL for their post with the new Permalink introduced by the team via
Autmatic URL vs. Custom URL
  • We can easily differentiate, automatic URL is chopped, not a complete one - or it cannot stand on it's one unlike a complete sentence. Not that good. e.g. /how-to-write-faster-maintaining-quality.html
  • Custom URL is an URL created by you. Be sure it's targeted, precise, and can tell readers what's your post all about. e.g. /Update-AddThis-Sharing-Tool-to-Include-Pinterest-Button-and-Google-Plus.html
  • Use at least 70 characters, just like you write your post title, that includes spaces.
  • Substitute spaces with dash - and do not use other special characters or punctuations.
Using Permalink surely adds the work - but this is an important seo updates, so you should mind this. This is not yet added to blogger, this is available for users for "testing" or sort of, it's the time to cooperate with the blogger team so that this would be added to blogger officially. For the time being, access Permalink via draft as provided above.
Quick Tips on How to Create a Custom URL
  • Always bear in mind that post title character limit is 70, though you can choose longer. That's the ideal anyway.
  • Your Custom post URL is your post title, create a targeted, precise title less or at least 70 characters, your Permalink must consist of text and dash only, though you can use other characters. Dash is used to separate words or text, e.g. Update-AddThis-Sharing-Tool-to-Include-Pinterest-Button-and-Google-Plus
  • One way to write your permalink is in an open word document. First, write your title and count characters by highlighting, write clicking on it and going to the bottom left corner of the document that say, e.g. Words:10/10, if you are not familiar, please refer to my post - The Uses and Importance of the Blogger Upgraded Interface Every Blogger Must Know, scroll down at the bottom, or;
  • Use a Word Counter Tool, I guess this is a lot quicker than the first option. Paste your entire post title here, and it automatically shows the counts of characters, and then replace spaces with dashes, as I shown in the screen shot below (that would be your instant permalink).

  • Make it a habit, every time you draft a post, open a word document and craft your title first, count the characters, and if you're convinced with it, in the next line, write your permalink ready for "copy paste" OR use the second option - the word counter tool!

  • How to write a good title? Well, precise, descriptive, and always consider using the keyword tool, please refer to my post - How to Find a Keyword for a Better Blog SEO!

  • Not the least, if you want to dig more about this, we have a comprehensive tutorial about Permalink, ideal character counts and so on at MBT - Blogger Introduced Permalink Option..., check it out!

Permalink Ready?
It's time to use it as your Custom URL... excited? See screen shot:
Click "Done" and you get the preview of your custom post URL - it is descriptive than the automatic ones:
So? Try it :)
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