According to an interview with a friend, though most of the tools used in Picnik can be found and used in Google+ Creative Kit, she still encountered problem because it's not as friendly as to the Picnik Interface.
So far, I have enjoyed using the Creative Kit, but for those who were using Picnik for a long time, they would rather say it's the best, and rather look for an alternative aside what Google+ has for photo editing.
What's the best alternative?
They said, it's Aviary Photo Editor (Phoenix)Just a personal opinion, knowing that there is a competition between Google+ and Facebook, when Google completely shutdown Picnik, why Facebook use Aviary Photo Editor without shutting down it's website? Well, it's up to use to weigh things fairly. I am both enjoying Google and FB for the main-time :)
Going straight to the topic:
According to Matt Smith at Makeuseof, most likely, Aviary Photo Editor is the closest option for Picnik!I want to personally try this photo editing tool too, since facebook has just recently launched Aviary as Facebook Photo Enhancer, try it here - Aviary at Facebook or find out what Mashable says!
What I've found out?
- The Interface is friendly. You can edit photos from your computer (upload), from an existing image on the web (URL), or you can edit images from your Flickr, Facebook, Picasa, Tumblr, and Ning Accounts!
- Well, if you are not familiar with this photo editing tool, you can read Aviary Tutorials.