
This is a Testing Annocement. I don't have Much to Say. This is a Place for a Short Product Annocement

Friday, July 13, 2012

The Value of Time Management in Blogging Success

This is an update of a life of an office worker, student, and blogger. Well, yes, I able to manage serving several masters at the same time, yet, I could not say I manage them all well.

I got 24 hours a day, I worked 8 hours, I study 4 hours, how much time left for blogging? How much time left for my personal life? Well, you know, no one is a superhero, but there is a certain magic that could help anyone manages those everyday task, with 90% efficiency.

I called it – time management!
What is the value of time management in blogging success then? Anyway, recently, I have incorporated the value of patience in blogging success – if one can wait with patience, then it’s possible to reach the peak of his goal, in a certain time though the time of happening might be not certain, yet it will come.

Today, let’s focus on time management. If you choose to have a complex life, like me, then you need to learn to manage everything that you have right now. Make a proper schedule of your daily routine. How to do it?
  • Write your daily schedule, and separate things that are “must” to be done. Do you have upcoming deadlines? Work on it before starting another task. Do not leave it unfinished. If you leave important matter unfinished, see how it would stress you when it falls due.
  • Learn to say no. It’s doesn’t mean you become ineffective of your job. It’s about accepting responsibility if you are sure you can stand with it. It’s your liability if you accept a task even if you know you have no time for it. Be honest, and it will set you free.
  • Do you mean writing your schedule down? Well, the problem is, if you fail to follow what you have written. What you do is not conforming in your list, then you do not follow your guide and you might fail to manage your time well. Mean what you write, and see things falling into its proper place.
  • Make use of every minute you have. Instead of thinking to write, get a piece of paper and write, or instead of thinking about writing a new blog post, get your fingers on your keyboard and start typing one. If you have unfinished paperwork, do not worry of running out of time, instead be in a state of action. Do it, or you will be late.
  • Think positive, especially in writing a blog post. Think about SEO, but do not let it hinder you to do what you love. SEO is there, its part of blogging success, but “You” will the one who is the vital factor of your success. Be truthful to your real assumption, consider it first, say something about it – and you will have unique ideas. What I mean, do not be imprisoned of someone’s expert insights about the matter – experiment, do an enhancement!

Let me see you gain…

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