This is a quick update for today. Am actually busy looking for a cheap quality backlinks provider and I read reviews and forums about it - it's always good to listen to other experiences and opinions and I came to some important realizations that:
- Well, cheap backlinks service will also give you cheap backlinks.
- Talking about cheap backlinks, there are PR0 sites, and they don't count that much. If you are asked to solve such mathematical problem - 0 x 0 = 0!
- Am not sure if they are all PR0 sites, but mostly - according to some forums - not really helpful to boost our blog search results or page ranking.
- It's general submission, so your link will be submitted to all types of sites - if you are blogging about apple, your link might be submitted to birth control blogs, sounds what?
Backlinks Service Vs. Manual Blog Links Submission
I choose the latter. It's always safer to choose the sites we are going to submit our links, of course with some safety measure - we cannot appear like spam.- First, we need to search for do follow blogs.
- We will check if those blogs have PR, PR1 to 10. We can use prchecker!
- These blogs must be relevant or related to our topic or niche.
I got your lists of Do Follow Blogs from!
Enjoy several lists of do follow blogs, but check their PR and of course, if they are related to your particular blog! You can share your opinions - always remember - do not be a "Spam"! Here is the link - List Of 51 Dofollow Blogs to Comment On!Image source: Backlink Tutorial | What are backlinks? @
I will be checking each link one by one the next time, keep posted guys!
See you. All the best - Prime Aque :)