
This is a Testing Annocement. I don't have Much to Say. This is a Place for a Short Product Annocement

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Another Live Test - An Important Reminder

NOTICE: This is an important reminder to all of us!

On my recent post, Sui generis Writer told me it was my live test, well, I just simply had sent you to nowhere with that particular topic, scribbled to clear my mind with something troubling me. I thought I was over but it isn't.

This is something serious.

I deleted all my important files... all of them are for BIR Report Purposes. I am too worried, it's priceless and I badly needed every single file I got there, mostly MS Word and MS Excel, and Relief Reports for Sales and Purchases.

My mistake - I had my new CPU then I needed to transfer all my files there, but I chose to use my USB to do it, which was wrong! Now I shared this with you to give you the reminder.

1. Back Up you important files in CD's
2. If you have networked connections, transfer files through it and never use USB!
3. Do not rush, always take your time.

As for now, the technician promise me to help retrieve the files, I talked with my B also and she told me I can get them back, at least it helped a lot. I just need the spirit now. I am also searching for software to recover the lost data. A technician on an internet cafe also taught me how to do the restore file option on windows, though it wont work 100% but I will try it on Monday as my first move.

I will keep you updated with this live test. Sui, it happened!

P.S. If you know something to help me recover my precious files, please, I will appreciate it much! :)

Image Credit: nuttakit /

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