Hi there, as promised I got you here the response of the talk about in town ~ The Cinquain Challenge!
Cheerful, delightful, gleeful
Laughing, giggling, rejoicing
Laughter is the secret of longevity
All of us can try this poetic style, I gladly scribbled this down after I cleaned my desk at work. See? I may not be the best of the challengers but I enjoyed what I did, that what really counts!
First line - Noun
Second Line - 3 adjectives
Third Line - 3 ing for of the verb or what we call gerunds
Fourth Line - 1 complete sentence that describes/relates to the first line
Fifth Line - The synonyms of the first line
Secret: consult thesaurus.com or your handy thesaurus and dictionary will do. See you guys.
Image Credit: Simon Howden / FreeDigitalPhotos.net