
This is a Testing Annocement. I don't have Much to Say. This is a Place for a Short Product Annocement

Monday, January 2, 2012


'No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.' ~ H.E. Luccock

Hello SB Community! I am back now to tell you what is really the awaited 'Twist'. Here, you voices matter! Like a democratic government, people always got the power, and so you got the power friends.

Simply, we will conduct a weekly activity throughout the year, yes, unlike The One-Week Self-Evaluation Activity, this posting and pondering activity will revolve all year round with your presence.

1. Mondays ~ We will present a topic, mostly based on interviews, research, observations, events offline and online.

2. Tuesdays-Thursdays ~ Time to ponder. That's the time SB will recognize your voices, and these might be your views and opinions.

3. Fridays ~ Voting. SB Community will pick up the best voice of the week.

4. Saturdays ~ A. I will personally visit the blog of the chosen voice and do the 'new comment style', a more detailed opinion or view with one of his posts and an opinion with his blog as a whole; B. One of his posts will be featured here at as our main subject every Saturdays. [his refers to both gender, applies when sex is not specified.]

5. Sundays ~ Poetry. A time to relax and think something new, as promised, I will try to nurture my humble talent in poetry such as haiku, short poems maybe, another Fibonacci (I hope I can make another one again), and some collections of inspirational quotes, I am also willing to learn another new forms of poetry, perhaps with the help of our University of Poetry!

This Twist will only become successful as planned if you will cooperate and willing to be permanent residents of the SB Community! We are always looking forward for you presence.

Quote Source: Quote Garden!
Image Credit: David Castillo Dominici /

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