
This is a Testing Annocement. I don't have Much to Say. This is a Place for a Short Product Annocement

Saturday, July 14, 2012

5 Powerful Tips on How to Write Blog Post Fast During Break Time

I mean it; every new blogger must learn to write blog post fast during break time. While we are not earning a living through blogging yet, we need not to abandon our job. But we cannot stop blogging either. Working at your task serves your daily needs, getting a master’s degree, or building a better blog will serve you in the future. Both are important.
These 10 tips for writing fast are not the direct way of earning through blogging, but these will be the way so that new blogger can build a better foundation with his early blogging career, especially if he chooses to write a post during his free time. This is about producing more quality contents with the least possible time consumed.
  • Build a habit of reading and writing. This is the very secret. How can you write fast if you do not enjoy writing? How can you write fast if you don’t have enough idea to write? Let me tell you – my day is not complete without this stuff. I love to read and write; they are so intertwined with blogging. The whole thing is about frequency, the more you engage yourself in reading and writing, the more you can write in speed flawlessly.
  • Connect your post like a story. Write a post that will link to your recently published topics. Jumping to another subject needs time and research, but writing in connection to the last one you did will let your write with ease because you have more ideas to connect into. Linking your previous post is also a good SEO practice, that will make your blog united as a whole.
  • Build a habit of listing down ideas. There are good keywords that will passed by in your head, but you might forget it when you are already occupied with your task at work. This topic I am writing right now is so happened when I walked my way home. I quickly get my mobile phone and listed the idea “5 how to write fast tricks revealed” on a memo. So, today, I don’t need to think about a topic in nowhere, instead, modified and enhanced the topic I had last night.
  • Writing fast does not mean posting quickly. Writing is a process, though we want to write within 20 minutes or less, but not literally hitting the publish button of your post editor without checking if your content pass the quality requirements – you will know that if you follow the process with careful consideration. Quality content does not mean length, it means information. Is you post worth reading? Is your post free of typos and spelling mistakes?
  • Write in time interval. Writing fast does not mean again completing your post that very moment. That point in time is your drafting stage. It’s not the product yet. Your break time basically last 30 minutes, so you can spend half of that constructing your ideas; then work again or your boss will caught you blogging. The next break, read again your post, and adds additional information. The best way to edit typos in your post is reading it after finishing each paragraph. Just remember one important quality check before posting – editing. Do not hit publish until you are sure your post is good enough to be read by your valued readers.
The truth is - I wrote this post in 2 time intervals. During my lunch break, and break on the afternoon after am done collecting pictures for our company’s product catalog. I am resting, so I spend it here again. Since I edit each paragraph after I write it, I got a little thing to do this time. This post is almost good enough.

See you.

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