
This is a Testing Annocement. I don't have Much to Say. This is a Place for a Short Product Annocement

Monday, July 2, 2012

The Easiest Way in Creating Permalink as Post Custom URL

Recently, I tried to help spread the good news about Permalink newly introduced by blogger. I assumed you have known it by now, and am sure you enjoyed creating your custom URL for your blog. This time, as I partly discussed this in my recent post, I want to share my technique in creating Permalink easily, without even adding extra task for writing your latest content. Somehow, some people are hesitant to try new, because they thought it's an additional labor, but this time, let's make it lighter.

Creating your Permalink as Post Custom URL for a better blog seo is as easy and instant like clicking the publish button of your blog. Here we go:
Custom URL = Post title = Permalink
That's the easiest formula. Write your title, then formulate your permalink by just replacing spaces to dash. I mentioned that already, this time I will give emphasis to it. You can either use Word document or Word counter tool, it's up to your choice, but I guess am more comfortable with Word document so I will use it.
Writing my title for this post:
The Easiest Way in Creating Permalink as Post Custom URL
That consist of 56 characters including spaces. Remember, our title should not exceed 70 characters.
Writing your Permalink:
What I did is only replace spaces with dashes. The character count remains 56! So, it's ready.
Where to find the Permalink?
Please go to, then go to new post, then permalink and choose Custom URL. See image below (click to see the full size).

See you :)

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