
This is a Testing Annocement. I don't have Much to Say. This is a Place for a Short Product Annocement

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Drive Traffic to Blog by Installing Tynt Publisher Tools

We are constantly looking for blogging tools and seo that will help us rise in the blogosphere, am I right? But it's hard, the real traffic and promotion is like enrolling in a calculus class, where your professor does not exert his best effort to teach his students. I don't like that much, I'd rather study on my own. But today, I stumble upon a very good tutorial about driving traffic to our blog with the use of reader's engagement through copying some texts from our post content, and pasting it elsewhere. They might share it via email or social networks. A free tool, easy to install can help us do that, without effort - yes. Am not repeating the tutorial because this one is a complete guide - Mayura4ever.
It's a spoon feed. It's gonna be a long tutorial but it's worth reading! Well, let me write what I learned:
  • Tynt publisher tools will run a script on your blog to track "copy pasting" activities of your readers.
  • Without Tynt, "copy paste" cannot help your blog in driving traffic.
  • It helps your blog drive traffic because an URL back to your blog, as well as twitter and Facebook account will be added together to the copied text automatically.
  • Every time readers read your blog and copy paste some text from it, share it to social networks or rather email it to a friend, a link is attached.
  • Tynt offer you a dashboard with seo and tracking tools. Discover how your readers share your content.
Below is a screen shot, I copied some text from my recent post and paste it on a mail.
See? It will gonna help you drive some traffic. Make every possible way counts!

See you and thank you again Mayura :)
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